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- July, Mathemata, Festum Pi, Crète.
- June, 25th, keynote Jim 2025 / ICCARE, Lyon.
- June, 2-3, “History and future of AI: how to maintain epistemic diversity”, Nomis foundation, Complexity Science Hub, Vienna, Austria.
- March, 10th, Keynote for the masterclass in AI and Music, Ferber studio, Paris.
- February, 27th, round table, Festival Music et Cinéma de Marseille.
- January, 30th, round table, Lancement lab IA et créativité, Ynov & Eicar.
- December 16th, Conversation about AI and music for engineers, Milano Politecnico, invited by Augusto Sarti.
- December, 12-13rd, Indo-French workshop on Digital public infrastructure and AI, French Consulate, Bengalore, India, as part of the French AI Summit.
- November 5th, Musique, sons et IA, EuropIA, Nice.
- October 20th, WHAI and Creativity workshops, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI 2024, Santiago di Compostela, Spain
- September 23rd, Le grand bain, French tech, Palais du Pharo, Marseille
- September 20th, Musica ex-Machina: Machines Thinking Musically, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- September 18th, The News Forum, Boon and Bust with Tony Clement, Canadian TV broadcast
- September 8-10, Elkana Forum on Digital Trust in an Age of Upheaval, Harnack-Haus of the Max Planck Society, Berlin
- September, 5th EPIA, Portuguese Conference on AI, keynote, Viana do Castelo, Portugal
- August 8th, Creativity special track, co-organizer, International Joint Conference on AI, IJCAI, Jeju, Korea
- July, 17th, Responsible AI and Music Workshop, University of the Arts, London
- June 28th, A Conversation on AI and Creativity, with Martin Clancy, Timothy Barker, Jean-Marc Deltorn, Center for International Intellectual Property studies, University of Strasbourg
- June 26nd, AI week, Music and IA: Problem solved? Cyber week, Tel Aviv University, Israel. The whole session.
- June 23rd, Une culture artificielle, le moulin d’Andé
- June 3rd, How can industries operate though AI ACT, Mines de Paris
- May 3rd, Génération ou interprétation, l’IA en débat, org. François Rastier, Inalco
- April 15th, Creative Seeds, Rennes
- March 23rd, IA: quels impacts sur la création musicale ? Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon, « IA : quels impacts sur la création musicale ? » dans le cadre du “Printemps du numérique: l’IA et moi”, Lyon
- March 22nd, intervention at Kedge business school about creative AI
- December 21st, Course about chordal harmony for engineers, Milano Politecnico
- December 12nd, Seminaire, Ciclo de Seminários Inteligência Artificial -Cátedra Heitor Villa-Lobos, Fórum de Ciência e Cultura da UFRJ, animated by J.-P. Briot
- November 27, Intetain Confrence keynote
- November 7th, VMWARE round table, future of AI in music creation and pedagogy
- October 27th, Podcast IA malédiction ou bénédiction?
- October 19th, Business and Legal Forums, Paris
- October 10th, 22ème Rencontres Internationales de la Mode, Hyères, France
- October 3rd, intervention à Sciences Po
- September 25th, INA carte blanche à François Pachet
- May 30th, Creative Machines, Oxford, UK, talk
- May 1st, Jam session, ISMIR
- UNESCO International Forum on AI and education, Paris, Dec
- Univ. Bologna, Media Mutations 13, October
- Creative AI, Sydney,, Aug 18th,
- 20 years of Scrime laboratory, Univ. Bordeaux, May 17th,
- May 24th, Concert Mantova, Crossing Borders
- Politecnico Milano, May seminar (Augusto Sarti)
- Keynote workshop CREAI, Udine, 29th November
- PDIA, Paris, April 7
- AI Culturally and Beyond, Hong-Kong, April 7
- Conférence CERDI/DATAIA, IA et Culture
- Intellectual Property in the Era of Artificial Intelligence, Bologna University
- ADC Conference keynote, November, youtube presentation
- Universal AI, levelling the playing field, United Nations, Paris, November
- TechnoArtLive, Tel Aviv, November
- IA, innovation et propriété intellectuelle, Sénat
- ArsElectronica, panel and presentation, Linz, Sept.
- IA et Créations, Université Paris Descartes, Malakoff
- This is not a love song, Nimes, May
- Rio2C and UniRio, Rio de Janeiro, April
- Ars Electronica (jury member), Linz, April
- Unesco, Paris, March
- Italian AI*IA Conference, Trento, keynote, Nov. 2018
- ENPC Conference, café des sciences, Paris, Dec 2018
- Futorapolis, Toulouse, Nov 2018
- PIF, Grande Bibliothèque, Paris, Nov. 2018
- Audition CSPLA, Rapport Ministère Culture, Paris, Nov 2018
- Usine Digitale, Paris, Octobre 2018
- VinoVoce festival, Saint Emilion, Sept. 2018
- Deep Learning : from theory to applications, keynote, Rennes, Sept. 2018
- ICCC Salamanca, general chair, Spain, June 2018
- RockTech keynote, Paris, June 2018
- ERC Music Conference, Barcelona, June 2018
- Science and Cocktails, Copenhagen, May 2018
- JIM 2018, May, Amiens
- Night of Ideas, Imperial College London, UK, January 2018
- Aalto University, keynote, Finland, January 2018
- CreAItivity – Night of Ideas | January, Invited talk, London, UK
- 2017, June 29 – July 1, UNESCO Creative Cities: Enghien-les-Bains presents Flow Machines | Enghien-les-Bains, France
- 2017, June 29, invited talk at the “Journées de la création” organised by SACEM | Paris, France – watch the video
- 2017, June 22, invited talk at the workshop “Ensuring Individual Privacy in a Data Driven World” | Paris, France
- 2017, June 13-15, “Music and AI: results and goals”, JFPC (Treizièmes journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes | Montreuil sur Mer, France
- 2017, June 13, “Creative Artificial Intelligence & Music”, Explore event organised by LVMH-Louis Vitton | Paris, France
- 2017, April 8, Flow Machines at TEDxAlameda, Alameda, Portugal
- 2017, February 23, Energetic Translation and Digital Revolution, RTE (Réseau Transport Electricité | Versailles, France
- 2017, February 14, Flow Machines at SIESTE, Open Workshop about Computer Science, ENS | Lyon, France
- 2017, January 30-31, 10th International Workshop on Design Theory: “Flow Machines”, Ecoles des Mines | Paris, France
- 2017, January 19, Cyberlex: “AI, mith or reality?” Cyberlex is a meeting taking place is the French Senate. Cyberlex is above all an association where lawyers, politicians and experts meet to discuss important themes. | Paris, France
- 2016, December 10, NIPS 2016: “Workshop on Constructive Machines Learning” | Barcelona, Spain
- 2016, December 7, Agora des Savoirs: “Une machine peut-elle créer de la musique ?” | Montpellier, France
- 2016, December 2, Digital Tech: “AI, Music and Digital Trends” | Rennes, France
- 2016, November 15-17 , Talks at SATIS – Salon des Technologies de l’Image et du Son, main French gathering about audio technologies | Paris, France
- 2016, November 3-5, Kikk Festival: “Extending a composer’s creativity with Flow Machines” | Namur, Belgium
- 2016, October 27, Talk at “Intensive Science“, La Gaîté Lyrique: “The Future of Music Making with AI” | Paris, France
- 2016, October 20-21, Talk at “Mathématiques, oxygène du numérique” organised by Cédric Villani, Paris | France
- 2016, September 20, Nantes Digital Week: “Musique et IA” | Nantes, France
- 2016, September 19-22, ZiF Workshop: “From Computational Creativity to Creativity Science“, Bielefeld University | Germany
- 2016, June 23-24, Talk at the Symposium “Quand la guitare [s’]électrise !” (in French) | Paris, France
- 2016, June 16, Invited talk at the LIPADE Open Day: “The Challenges and Opportunities of Creativity Research” | download the program, Grenoble, France
- 2016, March 14, Invited talk at “La Semaine du Cerveau” with the talk “Créativité artificielle” (in French) | check the program, Grenoble, France
- 2016, February 12, Invited talk at LIFT Conference: Computational Creativity – will artificial intelligence replace your favourite human artist? | Geneva, Switzerland
- 2016, February 5, Invited talk at Rencontres Arts & Sciences : Neurosciences, Epistémologie et nouveaux Paradigmes (in French) | download the program, Paris, France
- 2015, November 13, Invited talk at Musimorphoses | download the program, Paris, France
- 2015, October 8, Invited talk at the Pisa Internet Festival, Pisa, Italy
- 2015, September 13, Invited talk at the Kreyon Day, Rome, Italy
- 2015, September 8-11, Invited talk at EPIA 2015, Coimbra, Portugal
- 2015, July 6-11, Invited talk at ICML 2015 (International Conference on Machine Learning), Lille, France
- 2015, June 23, Keynote at the “Workshop on Cultural & Social Analytics”, Imperial College, London, UK
- 2015, June 22, Invited talk, STARTS Symposium BOZAR, Brussels, Belgium
- 2015, June 18, ERC5000 celebration: Flow Machines by François Pachet generate the European Anthem in several different styles, Brussels, Belgium (watch the video)
- 2015, May 21, Invited talk, Colloquium Jacques Morgenstern, Inria Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée, Nice, France
- 2015, April 14, François Pachet awarded as UPMC talent 2014, Paris, France
- 2015, February 4-8, Workshop: Capturing the style of Brazilian musicians, Porto Musical, Recife, Brazil
- 2014, November 21, Colloque: nouveaux gestes et langages instrumentaux, ArsMusica, Brussels, Belgium
- 2014, November 18 Seminar on “Génération de séquences imitatives sous contraintes globales”, Rencontres Nationales des Systèmes Complexes 2014, Mulhouse, France
- 2014, October 30, Music Presentation by François Pachet and Marco Marchini, Impakt Festival, Utrecht, the Netherlands
- 2014, October 2nd, Eccai Fellows presentation at AFIA, Association française pour l’Intelligence Artificielle
- 2014, September 26-27, International Jazzomat Workshop, Weimar, Germany
- 2014, September 22nd, CSL Open House at MOMA, NY
- 2014, July 4th, Invited talk at RFIA 2014, Rouen, France (in French)
- 2014, June 18-20th, Flow Machines Workshop, UPMC, Paris, France
- 2014, June 11th, Non-Conformant Harmonization: The Real Book in the Style of Take 6 presented at the 5th International Conference on Computational Creativity, Ljubljana, Slovenia (watch the video)
- 2014, June 6th, Invited talk at PAAMS 2014, Salamanca, Spain
- 2014, May 22nd, Invited talk at CPAIOR 2014, Cork, Ireland
- 2014, 3rd of April, Invited talk at the Ateliers du Quartier de la Création, Nantes, France (watch the talk | regarder la vidéo)
- 2013, 6-7 December, Two-day seminar at the Universidade Catolica do Porto, PhD Program on Science and Technology of Arts (Programa de Doutoramento em Ciência e Tecnologia das Artes), Porto, Portugal
- 2013, 13-15 November, Invited talk to ADT2013 3rd International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory, Brussels, Belgium
- 2013, 5 November, Invited keynote on “Style manipulation as a creative device” at International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), Curitiba, Brasil
- 2013, 4-8 November, Participation with two papers to the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), Curitiba, Brasil
- 2013, 4th of November, Tutorial at ISMIR 2013 Why is Brazilian Guitar Interesting?, Curitiba, Brasil
- 2013, 29th September, Participation to the MIC Conference, Bologna, Italy
- 2013, 15-20th September, Participation to the Summer School “Music and the Origins of Language”, Cortona, Italy
- 2013, 15th July, Presentation at AAAI 2013 of a paper on Meter and Markov Constraints
- 2013, 3rd July, keynote presentation, WIAMIS 2013
- 2013, 12th June, Invited talk on “Creativity and manipulation of style in music and literature”, DinAmicI, Corinaldo, Italy
- 2013, 4th June, Invited talk at Institut Bull about “créativité et style en musique et littérature
- 2013, Avril, Nantes, Invited Talk at LINA – Laboratoire d’Informatique de Nantes Atlantique
- 2013, February, Nantes, Invited Talk atENS – Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
- 2012, December, Lyon, Invited Talk at TICE 2012
- 2012, December, Barcelona, PRAISE Workshop
- 2012, November, European Commission, Horizon 2020 consultation meeting on creativity and ICT, Bruxelles
- 2012, October, Launch of the book “Computers and Creativity“, University of London (browse pictures)
- 2012, October, Comment les ordinateurs peuvent-ils nous rendre plus créatifs? (watch the video) Journée Science et Musique, Rennes, France
- 2012, October, Jazz Tutorial, ISMIR Conference, Porto, Portugal
- 2012, October, PRAISE Meeting (Practice and peRformance Analysis Inspiring Social Education), Barcelona, Spain
- 2012, August,: “Markov Constraints for Generating Lyrics with Style“, ECAI 2012, Montpellier
- 2012, August, ” Beyond minus ones: VirtualBand“, SIGGRAPH 2012, Los Angeles, USA
- 2012, June 2nd, invited talk “VirtualBand, a MIR-approach to interactive improvisation”, Workshop “MIR and Creation“, Ircam
- 2012, June, moderator at the Schlumberger Workshop on Mathematical Models for Sound Analysis, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, France
- 2012, May 2nd, invited talk, Dip. di Matematica – Università di Bologna & Marconi Institute for Creativity, “Representing Style: the contribution of Markov constraints”
- 2012, April 27th, U. Padova, invited talk, “Representing Style: the contribution of Markov constraints”
- 2011, November 28: FET Consultation Workshop Brussels
- 2011, November, 1st review of the Miror project, at Casa Paganini, Genova, Italy
- 2011, October, 15th anniversary of SONY CSL at Maison Rouge, Paris
- 2011, August, Jazz concert with Jeff Suzda and VirtualBand at Ecal 2011, Paris
- 2011, July, paper and jazz concert at IJCAI 2011, Barcelona, Spain
- 2011, May, invited talk on Mathématiques et musique, Maths Club, Université René Diderot (Paris 7)
- 2011, May, invited talk on Virtuosity at Intetain 2011, Genova, Italy
- 2011, March, invited talk on “Modeling Virtuosity” at IREDIA, ULB, Bruxelles
- 2011, February, invited talk on “Modeling Virtuosity” at Osnabrück University
- 2011, February, Porto Musical, Recife, Brazil
- 2010, December, Invited Talk at Maison de France on Constraining Markov chain generation, Rio, Brazil
- 2010, December, Invited Talk at UFRJ by Jayme Szwarcfiter on Constraining Markov chain generation, Rio, Brazil
- 2010, June, invited talk on “Sensori-Motricité et perception active“, IRI, Centre Pompidou, Paris
- 2010, May, Sony CSL Symposium and Open House, Tokyo
- 2010, March, Invited talk on “virtuosity” at IK2010, Günne, Germany
- 2010, February, Whitehead Lectures “Modeling Jazz virtuosity”, Goldsmith Univerity, London, U.K.
- 2009, November, invited talk 125th anniversary of IEEE, Abbaye de Royaumont
- 2009, October, Franco-Brazilian workshop on computer music, Recife and Rio (pics)
- 2009, October, Sony CSL Symposium and Open House
- 2009, September, invited talk at London Design Fest, Nissan
- 2009, August, Summer School on Embodied Grammar, Cortona, Italy
- 2009, July, Avignon festival, Rencontres Européennes, France Culture, Arts/Science
- 2009, July. Dagstuhl seminar on computational creativity
- 2009, March. France Culture, talk at Salon du livre, Paris
- 2009, Feb. Talks at Wissenshaftskolleg, Berlin
- 2008, Nov. Talk, Sherbrooke University, Canada
- 2008, June 26th -27th, keynote address, 6th Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval, Fraunhofer HHI, Berlin
- 2008, June 21th, keynote talk, Learning the Semantics of Audio Signals, Ircam, Paris
- 2008, April 31th -May 2nd, Sustainability workshop, Fondation Camargo, Cassis, France
- 2008, April 10th, Radio broadcast about melodies, France Culture, Place de la toile
- 2008, March 18th, Invited talk at the Dipartimento di matematica, University of Bologna.
- 2008, March 7-14th, Course at IK 2008 Spring School on Cognitive Science, Lake Möhne, Germany
- 2008, February 7th, Talk at Maison Suger about “Ontogenesis of a musical ear”
- 2008, January 16 th, Seminar on audio features, ENSEIRB, University of Bordeaux
- 2007, December 4-6th, talks and Ph.D. juries at Open University, Milton Keynes UK and Edinburgh, Scotland
- 2007, November 28th, talk, Entretiens du nouveau monde, Centre Pompidou
- 2007, November 20th , talk, Pecha Kucha night, Brussels
- 2007, November 16th , talk Science Publique, France Culture
- 2007, November, course, Sony University, Tokyo
- 2007, October 26th, invited talk at Womex 07, Sevilla
- 2007, October 22nd, Concert of Paul McCartney, Olympia, Paris
- 2007, October 17th, invited talk at JFSMA 07, Carcassonne
- 2007, October 2nd, talk at New York University, New York
- 2007, July, invited talk at the Erice Summer school on “Statistical Physics of Social Dynamics”, about “intimate music experience”, Sicily
- 2007, July, invited talk at Plateforme Afia about “interactive reflexions”, Grenoble
- 2007, June, invited talk at CBMI about “exploring billions of features”, Bordeaux
- 2007, June, invited talk on Interactive Reflexions at the Conservatorio di Como, Italy
- 2007, June, invited talk on Interactive Reflexions at the Academia Filarmonico / University of Bologna
- 2007, June, presentation at the Sony CSL Tokyo Open House
- 2007, April, talk at the JIM 07 conference, on pandeiro experiments, Lyon
- 2007, February, talk at the Sony sustainability workshop, Camargue
- 2007, February, invited talk and live demos at Porto Musical, Recife, Brazil
- 2007, January, appointed Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres
- 2007, January, Talk at Xerox Europe, Grenoble
- 2006, October, CSL 10th anniversary, Maison rouge, Paris
- 2006, June 4-8, talk at Nime workshop on improvisation, Ircam, Paris
- 2006, May 25-26, seminar on the Music Browser at University of Bologna
- 2006, October, Auditeur of IHEDN. Réserve citoyenne (armée de l’air)
- 2006, April 7, invited talk at International Symposium on Intelligent Environments, Microsoft Cambridge, UK
- 2006, March 22, Talk at Journée scientifique en l’honneur de Jean-Louis Laurière, Lip6, Paris
- 2006, March 18, Talk at Rencontres RMPD sur le “Feedback”, Grame, Musée des Beaux Arts, Lyon
- 2005, December, Sony Technical Fair, Tokyo
- 2005, September 13, ISMIR Conference, panel and Living Algorithms at Goldsmiths College, London
- 2005, July, 22, Workshop on Music Education, Cantiere di Arte, Montepulciano
- 2005, July, 25-29, Summer School, Sound to Sense, Genova, Italy
- 2005, June, 5-12, Sony CSL Open House, Tokyo
- 2005, May, 25-27, Workshop on Music Browser, University of Bologna, Italy
- 2005, May, 5-6, Talk at Symposium on Art, Complexity and Technology, Turin
- 2005, March, 17, Talk at département d’informatique, Université d’Amiens
- 2005, March, 2nd, Talk at Séminaire Culture et Management, la musique en ligne, Paris
- 2005, February, 25th, Talk at Journée Mélodie, séminaire Julia Kristeva, Université Paris 7
- 2005, February, 10th, Talk at Séminaire programmation, Typage et signal, Université Paris 6
- 2005, January, 26th, Talk at Journées de Rochebrune, The Continuator, Megève
- 2005, January, 11th, Talk at Semaine du son, Active Listening , Ircam
- 2004, October, 17th, Talk at Résonances 2004, about Recherche et Création, Ircam
- 2004, October, 5-6th, Sony CSL Symposium on Creativity and Open House
- 2004, September, 27- October, 3rd, Experiments with Music Browser at Cité des Sciences during Villette numérique 2004
- 2004, September, 1st, ICHIM Conference, Berlin
- 2004, June, 22nd, Radio Broadcast on the Continuator, VPRO channel, Amsterdam
- 2004, June, 15th to 18th, Public Seminar on the Music Browser, Cité des Sciences, LUCSI
- 2004, May, 26th to 28th, Hands-on Seminar on the Music Browser, University of Bologna
- 2004, May, 10th Talk at AES about EDS
- 2004, May, 6th Talk at Assemblée Nationale about new modes of music access and creation
- 2004, May, 5th Talk at Heudyasic, UTC, about music access
- 2004, April, 29th Talk at SARC (report)
- 2003, Dec. 8th: Talk at Maison des Sciences de l’Homme about music access
- 2003, Dec. 1-2: Talk at MIT Media Lab
- 2003, Nov. 22nd: Exhibition at Centre Georges Pompidou on Interactive Design and talk at the related conference
- 2003, Nov. 13-14: Workshop on High-Level Music Descriptors organized by CSL and UPF in Barcelona
- 2003, Oct. 17: Colloquium in honor of Jean-François Perrot
- 2003, Sept. 12th Workshop on Interactive Music at CSL