At SONY CSL Research Lab François Pachet, together with the musician Benoit Carré and thanks to the support of the European Research Council, created the first-ever entire songs composed by Artificial Intelligence: “Daddy’s Car”.”Daddy’s Car” is the result of FlowMachines, a system that learns music styles from a huge database of songs. Exploiting unique combinations of style transfer, optimization and interaction techniques, FlowMachines composes novel songs in many styles. “Daddy’s Car” is composed in the style of The Beatles.
French composer Benoît Carré arranged and produced the songs, and wrote the lyrics. The two songs are excerpts of albums composed by Artificial Intelligence to be released in 2017. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventy Framework Programme (EP7/2007-2013 Grant Agreement no.291156). The research leading to these results has been conducted by Sony Computer Science Laboratories Paris (Sony CSL Paris) and Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC), under the leadership of François Pachet.